Since it has been over a year since I have even attempted to post something on here, it should be clear that a TON has happened. I might just fast forward to the last few months. We found out we were pregnant with Lawson last year at Thanksgiving. The pregnancy was a lot more difficult than it was with Diem. I was sicker and exhausted. Fast Forward>>>
Lawson Gregory Lyders was born July 12, 2013. He was 7 lbs and 10 oz. I honestly thought I was going to have him on the way to the hospital. My doctor said when I go into labor, to hurry more than my first since theoretically they second one comes faster. Boy, was she right. I was in labor no longer than 3 hours, he was born almost exactly 3 hours after my water broke. It was fast, furious, and incredibly painful. Don't tell anyone, but I lied about the pressure I was having because I didn't want them to know that I was literally holding him in because I could not imagine going any longer without an epidural. I know that's not what most people would do, but it is what I did and everything was fine.
He was a really easy baby the first couple weeks and I thought we were blessed (and lucky) to have another easy going baby. Ha, we were wrong. Shortly after he turned 3 weeks old, he began screaming after eating, you could NEVER put him down and he would arch his back and wail....a lot. I was a mess. I praised GOD he slept at night but he was like this ALL day and I was home alone with him. It was a very challenging time and we finally found he had a lactose intolerance and also Acid Reflux. The last two months have been a series of meds and soy formula to keep it from harming him and it took a while for things to level out. They finally did and he is a completely different baby. He may even be growing out of it.
He is now 4 months old, he LOVES sweet potatoes and bananas and cereal. He is still on soy formula and the baby Prevacid but we will reevaluate those at his next appointment. He is currently almost 20 lbs. he is a big boy and such a sweet one! He cuddles and he smiles bigger than ever and talks like he knows what he is saying.
Diem loves being a big sister. At first, she was about as happy as a fat kid with cake but slowly began to withdrawal from Lawson and from us. She was mad. He cried A LOT and it took Logan and I a lot of back and forth holding and rocking to get him to calm down for a few minutes. It was really hard on her. She was sad and lashed out at day care. I hear that is normal but it didn't make it any easier for me, or her, or Logan. We felt terrible. But as most things do, it got better when Lawson got better. We are happy to announce we changed how we handled certain things and in return, had a happier girl :) She is so flippin sweet now that she can talk. She has great manners and is, most of the time, a great helper and loves being a big sister again.
Diem turned 2! She is a typical 2 year old. She currently loves movies. She watches The Croods about 4 times each time and goes back and forth between Wreck-It Ralph, Tangled, Brave and Despicable Me. We have cut down on her iPad time because she would just watch these over and over again. She has gotten better at day care and is a completely different kid at home. Unless she is tired :)
I just had to share this picture. This is my new nephew Robert Martin Dyer. He was born 2 weeks after Lawson and as you can see, he is more of a quiet baby and Lawson is a ham. Robbie would just stare at him and appear to wonder, "what is this kid doing?" It was fun to see them interact and how different babies are in just 2 weeks.
Logan and I are busy. We are about to get busier too. I will be going back to school starting December 1, 2013 to get my teaching license and my master's in curriculum and education. I hope to be teaching Family and Consumer Sciences (Home Ec) soon. I finish my first year on June 28, 2014 and can teach after that while I complete the second year. Logan is loving the cement world. He works for a great company and we are really excited to see where things go. they have incredible opportunities.
I will do my best to keep up on this, thank you for checking back and being patient!