Sunday, April 1, 2012

Some info from our trip

We just got back from Florida last night pretty late. Diem did so well on the way there but on the way home, she had had enough and it was really hard on her. I felt so bad, ALL of our returning flights were delayed so getting to the next ones were especially difficult. There was really bad weather, it is actually amazing we made it home on time.
Our flight from Orlando was delayed on the tarmac for an hour and a half due to a thunderstorm. So after that we flew for 2 hours to NYC (weird I know). Then that flight was delayed by an hour because the plane we needed was late and they still had to clean and stock it. This made our flight from Minn. especially hard to catch because it was on time and we were late. They had to hold the flight for us and drive us there on a cart. We were relieved that they waited for us, I don't know what I would have done if we had to stay over.

The flight from FL to NYC was hard for baby( and many others I guess) because I don't think they pressurized it correctly. We could feel all of the changes and it was really hurting Diem. But she slept most of it and the flight from MINN to Boz.

The trip was fun, but extremely busy. There was barely any down time and that was hard for everyone. There were times where I thought Diem was just going to lose it but she really held it together considering what she could have been like. She had some digestion issues that had to be addressed and after we "fixed" her, she was a lot better.

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